Hazard Edition 90, page 20, figure 1,
OVA-related admissions in healthcare settings (2016/17–2020/21): broad age group distribution for male and female workers aged 18+ years. Hazard Edition 90, page 16, Section A: Hospital Admissions 2016/17–2020/21. Hazard Edition 90, page 30, table 7,
OVA-related ED presentation frequencies and rates in healthcare and social support industries for workers aged 18+ years (2016/17–2020/21). Cover design of Hazard Edition 90 produced by the Victorian Injury Surveillance Unit (VISU) at Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC).

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Publication design

Hazard Edition 90 – Hospital-treated occupational violence and aggression-related injury in healthcare settings in Victoria, 2016/17–2020/21

This issue of Hazard provides an in-depth epidemiological overview of occupational violence and aggression (OVA) injuries sustained by Victorian workers in healthcare settings.

Nikki M Group provided publication design services, including:

  • typesetting
  • creating charts, data tables and graphs
  • selecting imagery
  • preparation for print.

Hazard Edition 90 was of significant importance to Victoria because the report provides evidence of the levels of OVA in healthcare settings pre‑pandemic and during the COVID lockdown period.

Hazard is a biannual publication that is produced by the Victorian Injury Surveillance Unit (VISU) at Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC) and is supported by the Victorian Government.

Nikki M Group offers reliable services for publishing long and complex reports.


Nikki M Group provides VISU with typesetting services to help them produce quality long documents that are complete and accurate.

Typesetting services include:

  • formatting text
  • placing graphs and charts
  • paging content
  • arranging images.

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  • Publishing a report?
  • Want design and editing services?
  • Need to create graphs and diagrams?

Creating graphs and charts

VISU provides data in Microsoft Excel, which we use to create graphs and charts, this includes:

  • styling graphs
  • applying colour
  • adjusting the size and proportion.

We ensure the data representation is accurate and the graphs are styled consistently.

Hazard Edition 90, page spread 32–33, figure 6. OVA-related ED presentations in healthcare settings (2016/17–2020/21): broad age group distribution for male and female workers aged 18+ years.

Formatted graphs and typeset tables of data.

Design and publishing services

Typesetting periodicals

Nikki M Group works with organisations to design and produce long and complex documents. We are a reliable service provider for producing periodicals.

Talk to us about your next project.

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Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC)
Victorian Injury Surveillance Unit (VISU)
Voula Stathakis (VISU)
Victorian Healthcare
VISU is supported by the Victorian Government
book design typesetting illustration book printing